Marine Energy Web GIS

Wave, Ocean and Tidal Current, and Ocean Temperature Data Access

Wave Time Series Information

Hourly time series data from the wave resource assessment is available for NOWPHAS observational locations and candidate test sites. Data for wave power, significant wave height, wave period, peak frequency, and mean wave direction can be viewed interactively and downloaded as csv and image files. The 21-year joint probability distribution of wave height and period is also provided. Observational data are not included with simulation results and each test site covers a 0.2° × 0.2° latitude-longitude region.

Wave Map Information

Mean and climatology data from the 21-year wave resource assessment are accessible as interactive 2D maps. Annual, seasonal, and monthly analyses are provided for wave power, significant wave height, wave period, peak frequency, mean wave direction, and wind velocity. Mean and standard deviation values at each map point can also be viewed as 21-year time charts. Since wave power generation is not possible during extreme events (such as a typhoon), five significant wave height thresholds (3 m, 5 m, 7 m, 9 m, and none) are applied when calculating each statistic and any corresponding value above this limit is ignored.

Current and Temperature Map Information

Climatology data from the 10-year ocean and tidal current and ocean temperature resource assessments are accessible as interactive 2D maps for select depths. Several different climatologies, standard deviations, maximum and minimum values, and relative cumulative frequencies (greater than or equal) are provided for current power, current velocity, current direction, current flow direction stability, thermal power, water temperature, and 20 m temperature differences. The influence of the large-meander Kuroshio path can also be viewed.